Sunday, February 1, 2009

Finding Joy In the Journey

Last week was my Relief Society lesson on President Monson's talk "Finding Joy In the Journey." It was a great topic, and one that I love. I try to notice the little things and find joy in them, because the BIG things that bring us joy are few and far between. I think so many things that could bring us moments of joy go unoticed by us in our busy lives. I took my beautiful Amarilis to put on the table during my lesson. I plant one each year at Christmas, and sometimes they are just okay, or even duds that don't ever bloom. But this year, it was so gorgeous that I took a picture of it the other day. Sadly, they don't last long, but while they bloom they bring me joy!
Seriously, Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Every day when I get home from work I go look at it and get happy!

Albert Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." Guys, take time to stop and notice the everyday miracles in your lives!


Lexi said...

very pretty amarilis. i never knew you planted one each year. i bet your lesson was great too.

hillari said...

si, thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I need it!

Christina Overton said...

This obviously has nothing to do with you post, but I just wanted to tell you how great the addition to your home looks. I know it's old news, but still.....I love it!

cassidy said...

That is so pretty! How fun. What a good post. It's a good reminder to find something small every day that makes you happy.

linds said...

i love, love, love this talk. it is such a great reminder. i know i get so caught up in all the stuff going on i forget to realize what is happening right now and cherish it.

Fritzsche's said...

Those flowers are so pretty. We had a white one a few years back and it was so pretty. I love that quote and wish that we would be more mindful of our everyday miracles and blessings. Thanks for the reminder to notice.