Jake, Liz and the boys came down in March for a weekend visit. It was close to Josh's birthday, so we took him to Build A Bear to make his very own bear. He was pretty excited about going, and said he wanted to paint the eyes on his bear. Even though we told him the bears already had eyes, he still kept talking about painting the eyes on. But it
gets worse; the minute we told him to pick out his bear he ran for the ugly green St. Patrick's day bear with four leaf clovers all over it. We quickly tried to divert him, but as you can see in the picture, he is still pointing at it. We said maybe he should pick a different one, so he went for the "kitty" with pink ears, and Jake said in my ear, "he's NOT getting that cat." But my question is, why IS there a cat in "Build A BEAR"? Anyway, we practically had to pick his bear out for him by steering him in front of the normal bears and telling him to pick one of them.
The thing about this place is, there's not really that much the kids get to do to "build" their bears. Here Josh is pushing the pedal that fills the bear with stuffing. And it kind of scared him because it made a loud noise, so he kept stopping.
Here he gets to give the bear a bath by brushing its fur.
Then comes the picking out of the "outfit". This got a little sticky because he wanted Woody, then Buzz, then Batman.............we tried not to influence too much here, since we had been kind of overbearing (no pun intended) concerning which bear he should pick. He finally settled on Batman.
Cute little Joshy with the finished product.
When Josh and I went to name his bear, I asked him what he wanted to name it and he just insisted that he wanted to name it Batman. So, Batman it is.
Bampa kept Charlie entertained with his tickling. Charlie is really ticklish!
It was a super fun time with Josh. But I really think if I had just drawn a bear on a piece of cardboard and let him paint the eyes on it he would have had just as much fun! But that wouldn't have been as much fun for me.
After that we went to show Liz some of the hotels that she hadn't seen before. Here we are at the Belagio. They have the coolest flower gardens there.
Josh is giving us his best tough guy look
We had such a fun day with everyone, and a fun weekend soaking in the spa, having a big breakfast, and watching a movie. Those two little grandsons bring us so much joy and make us laugh. We hope they'll come visit us again soon!
Oh I love hearing about this, even after already hearing about it on the phone and reading Jake and Liz's blog! Joshy is so funny. He looks a little pouty in those Bellagio pics, though! But I agree, it does sound like he would have had just as much fun painting eyes on a cardboard bear! Ha ha. Charlie is so cute - that picture of Bampa tickling him is my fave. I hope Truman and Charlie will be friends.
how fun! it seems kids always pick out the ugliest bears they can find at build a bear. remember sareny's pink bear. well those boys are just so cute. im glad you had a fun time with them.
My fave is the picture of Joshie pointing over to the green bear. (which looks really hideous in the picture.) And that's silly, him wanting to paint the eyes on. Looks like fun at the Bellagio, sometime we'll have to take Keith there.
That was such a fun trip - let's do it again soon. And just for your information, Joshy still sleeps with batman and loves his stinkin' guts, so it was worth it. Thanks!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my family blog. I guess I should be talking to the seasoned Bishop's wife. My kids say I looked so calm on Sunday. I said, he has been pretty much gone for almost 6 years on the High Council, and we don't have any kids really at home anymore. Also I have been the RS. Pres. of which I am getting released from. So I really will have it easy! those kids of Jake's are mighty cute.
Build a Bear is so fun. Its funny how we have to steer our kids to get the ones we would much rather them have. His bear turned out very cute.
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